Post-Pesach report 5774/2014--why didn't I think of that?
An old friend called in the afternoon before the first seder to wish us a Chag Sameach/Happy Holiday. In the course of our chat, I mentioned that we wouldn't be having chicken soup this Pesach because I had no idea what I could put in it, now that I can't eat knaidlach/matzah balls (and, being Ashkenazit, can't use rice, either). So my friend suggested that I use kasher l'Pesach potato-starch noodles. Don't laugh too hard, folks, but I'm 65 years old and had never tried potato-starch noodles. Fortunately, we were able to pick up some chicken soup and potato-starch noodles during Chol HaMoed. My verdict: They're a bit gummy, but fill up the bowl quite nicely. I would definitely buy them again.
We also discovered that there's a good substitute for crumbled-up matzah in soup (gluten-free oat matzah being strong enough in taste to ruin it)--crumble in Absolutely Gluten Free original-flavor flatbreads, instead. Which reminds me . . .
It turns out that only some, not all, of the Absolutely Gluten Free flatbreads and crackers are kasher l'Pesach/kosher for Passover. Please be sure to follow standard kosher operating procedure and check every food product on an individual basis, even if they're made by the same company. This is especially important regarding kosher for Passover products, as some of them may lose their kasher l'Pesach status between one Pesach and the next.
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